Thursday, May 21, 2009

Get A Life

At first it seemed o.k. It was a way to communicate without actually having to face anyone. Then it took a turn for the worse and showed it's ugly face for what it was. Someone(A coward) spying on someone else. (someone just trying to make a living). In a covert way the coward is listening in 0n private conversations, then responding(more like an attack) to what they overheard, but never letting on that that is what they are doing. And for the most part that's as far as it goes. You can feel it like a sliver, you can sense it like intuition, but you can never prove it because you're on their time clock. You may be communicating important business issues, you may be talking total B.S. bottomline is you are simply trying to cope or understand something.But Instead of creating an atmoshere of trust and growth they'd rather steer your actions and whip you senselessly. It's a classic case of invasion of privacy combined with gestapo tactics to instantly get what they want from you. For what? Are they too insecure and afraid that the person trying to make a living might be hiding something?or is it much simpler a secret desire to derail people? We can only guess because it is never open for discussion. I hate this place they hold us in contempt like we are the cause of all their dysfunctional management practices, it's like being held in a penalty box for having needs. They have a vision for the future but, we don't know what it is. Well good for them! My heart has turned to stone I want out and they're pigheaded about that as well. They only want you to leave discouraged and claim all your successes for themselves. So here's to the haves and have nots. Why don't you give a shit for once, and listen for a change. My life has lost its meaning at your company and I don't have a clue where you are going. Sincerely a dedicated worker, fed up with being unable to enjoy it.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Vote For Efficiency

What could make more sense than that? Plenty! I could just give up the fight, medicate my discomfort, and society won't mind as long as there is a designated driver, or; I don't make a public display of my urge to not care, or; I have lots of money in which case I can buy the results that I want. Are you fed up yet? Yes? Vote for efficiency, it leads to less dependence on people and things that cause pain.

I ask this question over and over again, why do I compromise my values for the sake of making money. I don't enjoy it, and it forces me into more and more difficult situations. I have made a living in the field of dissatisfaction with what I do for a living. I can't express it enough how much waste I have created and how much I continue to create for the sake of money. The strain on the environment is enormous and I don't know how to bring improvement to the situation. I feel like a bug in a kill jar.

Recently, I found that making a choice for efficiency relieves some of the pain. It won't give me easier decisions but it does help me to make smarter choices. I would like to urge anyone, if you have it within your grasp, try doing it differently. Your piece of mind is at stake.